Doctors of the World
Doctors of the World – Max Brose Hilfe supports the medical care of the population of eastern Ukraine through the organisation with € 200 thousand.
Doctors of the World has been active in Ukraine since June 2015. Prior to February 2022, activities focused on providing health services to the population living in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions near the line of contact. The teams worked in both the Ukrainian government controlled area (GCA) and the non-government controlled area (NGCA) beyond the line of contact.
In the government-controlled area (GCA), Doctors of the World provided general medical treatment, mental health interventions and psychosocial support, as well as sexual and reproductive health consultations for the most vulnerable population. The main concern of Doctors of the World is to strengthen the local health system. In Luhansk NGCA, Doctors of the World supported hospitals, health and social services with essential life-saving medical supplies to help those most difficult to reach.

Excerpt from project report:
- After war broke out in February 2022, we had to evacuate our existing staff from the region in Donbass.
- The team members, who are scattered at home and abroad, continue to work remotely as best they can – including mental health and sexual and reproductive health consultations. At the moment, our mobile outreaches are suspended for security reasons. However, we are still providing support to local structures, delivering medical supplies and medicines to health posts and hospitals.
- Our main task will continue to be the distribution of relief supplies in the near future. The Ukrainian market has been swept clean, and now it is up to us to get supplies from abroad. After we have already been able to supply individual hospitals from our stocks, we are currently in the process of procuring medicines and medical supplies for seven more health centres in eastern Ukraine.
- We are currently setting up an office in Chernivtsi (Ukraine, on the border with Romania) and have already signed a contract for close cooperation with the authorities there. A warehouse for medical supplies has been rented in Chernivtsi. International transport can begin.
- We are cooperating closely with OCHA (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) in order to be able to secure our aid deliveries in the long term.
- Doctors of the World” teams are also active in Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Romania and the Republic of Moldova, or are examining how they can best take action to support the Ukrainians.